Avtaars (Story of modern Gods) Chapter - 8

Read the previous chapter here...

Tvastar(job, creator of mystical devices) was trying to look through the material, that was found on Varuna's(job, manages rains) diary, he was testing that material in a test tube and pouring some chemicals on it but he noticed that it was a normal mixture which was present already, he emptied the test tube in the sink and said,
Tvastar: huh! nothing new!
He closed his shop and went away, in the night a fly came and tried to suck the chemical and dies on the spot. Next day Tvastar comes and cleans the sink and seeing the dead fly,
Tvastar: That's interesting!
And he throws the fly in the dustbin and goes back to run some tests again, as soon as he moves far away from the dustbin, the fly somehow comes alive again and leaves the dustbin. The fly than flies off to a zoo where it sits on the drinking water supply of all animals in the zoo and leaves the chemicals that were stuck to it in the water, thereby contaminating all the water. The animals in the zoo start dying one by one. Seeing this the zoo authorities open the gates of all the shelters to go look at the animals and as soon as they do that all the animals somehow become alive again and spread throughout the zoo, a chaos is created in the zoo. a kid who is eating ice cream seeing the cheetah out run to a building and from far away in the corridor sees a lion coming towards him, he gets frighten and scream, the animals but for some reason are not hurting anyone, yet.

To be continued...


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