Story of a Desktop Computer without a Mouse

Once there was a computer, his mouse was eaten by a mice, the mouse would not flirt with her so she ate her instead.No matter how fast the processor was, nobody would use it. In frustration he deleted all the antiviruses and started smoking "Trojan Virus Cigarettes", Started drinking "SPR" (Spam Plugins Rum), he got more and more depressed.

His face started turning blue more frequently (Blue Screen Error). Days went by and his state got more and more Hanged. One day lying in his own vomit of Windows Firewall, he saw small dot of light in the sky, it was coming straight to him and went straight in side and joined itself to the motherboard, it was a meteorite which contained highly efficient bots sent by GOD. As soon as it touched its motherboard a new flow of ultimate power ran into the circuit of the computer and it became superpower computer or mutant computer. 


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