Story of a School without a Building Chapter -10

Read the previous chapter here...

People: How can we build using the available resources?
Man: First what do you wanna build?
People: We wanna build a proper sitting place, a bathroom and proper water supply.
Man: Ok we can build all of this using, unused tires.
People: What, tires?
Man: Yes tires and some other materials, which are on this list.

The man takes out a list from his pocket and gives it to them. People go through the list.

People: We have all these materials, but we do not understand how one can build houses of tires, and if we assume we can build houses out of tires are they stable enough?
Man: The methods, design principles and philosophy that we are going to follow is that of "Earthship Biotecture", this allows you to build highly efficient buildings using recyclable materials.
People: But we have never seen buildings of tires? Are there other buildings that you can show us?
Man: Yes, I can
People: Please, show us.
Man: I'll bring some photos tomorrow, and the complete procedure on how we are going to build these buildings.
People: That's great, if what you are saying is true and you could teach us to build using tires and other materials that you have mentioned, we could use that to build our own new buildings.
Man: That's good. I'll teach you.
People: Thanks, we'll see you tomorrow then.

People leave.
Man: Vikaar, what do you need next?
Vikaar: Nothing sir, just you teach me too, how to build using tires and other recyclable materials.

The boy shows the man his notebook and man corrects him and gives him another task.
In the evening, after the people told other villagers, that how this man is going to build buildings using tires, few laugh, and an old man who was listening got curious and went to see this man.

Old man: Are you the teacher?
Man: Yes
Old man: Can you teach me something?
Man: What?
Old man: How to find God?


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